Items in this section are referenced by figure and index numbers to the illustrations which
appear either on the back of the diagrams or on pullout pages immediately following the
diagrams of the instruction manual.
This mechanical parts list is indented to indicate item relationships
example of the indentation system used in the Description column.
Following is an
Assembly a n d /o r
D e ta il Part o f Assembly a n d /o r C om ponent
m ounting h a rd w a re for D e ta il Part
Parts of D e ta il Part
m ounting h a rd w a re fo r Parts o f D e ta il Part
m ounting h a rd w a re fo r Assem bly a n d /o r C om ponent
Mounting hardware always appears in the same indentation as the item it mounts,
while the detail parts are indented to the right. Indented items are part of, and included
with, the next higher indentation.
Mounting h ard w are must be purchased sep arately, unless otherw ise specified.
Replacement parts are available from or through your local Tektronix, Inc. Field Office
or representative.
Changes to Tektronix instruments are sometimes made to accommodate improved
components as they become available, and to give you the benefit of the latest circuit
improvements developed in our engineering department. It is therefore important, when
ordering parts, to include the following information in your order: Part number, instru
ment type or number, serial or model number, and modification number if applicable.
If a part you hove ordered has been replaced with a new or improved part, your
local Tektronix, Inc. Field Office or representative will contact you concerning any change
in part number.
Change information, if any, is located at the rear of this manual.
For an explanation of the abbreviations and symbols used in this section, please refer
to the page immediately preceding the Electrical Parts List in this instruction manual.