Operating Instructions—Type 324
Return the VAR IABLE (VOLTS/DIV) control to CAL.
Repeat the VERT X5 BAL and the VAR V /D IV BAL
adjustments until interaction is no longer noticeable.
GAIN. Switch the VOLTS/DIV control to
the 5 DIV CAL position. Using the Vertical POSITION
control, center the square wave.
Fig. 2-8. Focus and Astigmatism adjustment waveform.
CHECK—The square-wave presentation has 5 divisions
±0.15 division vertical amplitude. The measurement should
be made from trace center to trace center to avoid the
effect of trace width.
ADJUST—ASTIG and FOCUS controls until the corners
of the square wave display are sharply and clearly defined.
Concentrate on sharpening trace definition in the display
areas circled in Fig. 2-8 to obtain best overall focusing.
Once FOCUS and ASTIG have been set, changes in inten
sity should only require adjustment of the FOCUS control.
TRACE ROTATION. Set the VOLTS/DIV switch to 20
and position the trace to the graticule center line.
CHECK—The trace should be parallel to the graticule
center horizontal line.
ADJUST—TRACE ROTATION as necessary to set the
trace parallel to the graticule's center horizontal line.
X 5
BAL. CHECK—No vertical position shift of
the trace occurs when the X5 VERT GAIN control is
switched in and out.
ADJUST—VERT X5 BAL until minimum trace shift
occurs when the X5 VERT GAIN control is switched in and
out. Return the X5 VERT GAIN control to its in position.
VAR V /D IV BAL. CHECK—No trace shift occurs as the
VARIABLE V /D IV BAL control is rotated from lim it to
ADJUST—VAR V /D IV BAL control until no trace shift
occurs as the VAR IA BLE (VOLTS/DIV) control is rotated
from lim it to lim it.
A D JU S T -V E R T X1 GAIN to provide a 5 division
square-wave presentation.
Voltage and waveform observations normally require
that the oscilloscope be placed in parallel w ith the load
across which the observation is being made. Numerous
methods of connecting signal sources (signal pick-off
points) to the oscilloscope are available. The method to be
used is basically determined by signal amplitude and/or sig
nal frequency or risetime compared to the combination of
signal source impedance and oscilloscope input impedance.
Signal Amplitude
Signals in excess of the display range of the oscilloscope
(120 V peak to peak calibrated, 300 V peak to peak uncali
brated) can be reduced to an observable value by means of
an attenuator placed in the signal-to-oscilloscope path. The
P6049 Probe provided with the Type 324 Oscilloscope
makes 1/10 of the source voltage available to the oscillo
scope vertical input connector.
The peak-to-peak measurement which can be made w ith
the P6049 Probe-Type 324 Oscilloscope combination is 500
V DC + peak AC. Other Tektronix probes which allow
measurement of voltages as high as 40 kV are available for
use with the Type 324 Oscilloscope.
Never a p p ly voltage in excess o f 500 V to the V E R T
IN P U T connector o r to the P6049 Probe. Use a high-
voltage probe to reduce higher voltages to an accept
able level.