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Section III – Work Station Configuration
The Resource String is a standard VISA resource string. The Resource String defines how PS-Cal will
communicate with the instrument. Typically, instrument communication is done over the GPIB bus, but
PS-Cal is able to communicate with instruments via Ethernet, USB and RS-232. The VISA resource string
is a strictly formatted string. GPIB configured instruments are formatted as follows:
GPIB<Card Number>::<GPIB Address>::INSTR.
Note: Refer to the National Instruments VISA documentation for configuration formats for Ethernet, RS-
232 and USB instruments.
The second tab on the Station Configuration form also contains a list of global station variables. PS-Cal
uses the variables as global variables to set values, custom configurations and execution options.
Figure 3.2 Station Variables
After the Station Configuration has been edited, the data can be saved back to the configuration files
by pressing the Save and Close button.
Editing Calibration Data for Standards
The exact data required for each standard varies depending on the Measurement Methodology being used
and configuration of the test station. PS-Cal has a set of forms to help users manage the calibration data
associated with the station’s standards.
Editing Power Sensor Data
To edit calibration data files for a power sensor standard select Configuration -> Edit Standard Data -
> Power Sensor in the menu. PS-Cal opens a file dialog box.