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Section IV - Operating Instructions
Under each test procedure tab, there is a button bar with a button for each of the steps required to
complete that calibration step. Like the tabs, the buttons are organized in step order from left to right.
The exact buttons that appear on the form varies with each test methodology.
Figure 4.8 Calibration GUI
These buttons are enabled and disabled as required by the test procedure. A button remains disabled until
necessary prerequisite steps are performed. For example, the Cal button is turned off until the Configure
Station button has been pressed and the configure station operation has been completed. Then PS-Cal
turns on the Cal button and allows you to go to the next step in the calibration process.
Another button to make a special note of is the Halt button. This button is used to halt the application.
For example, if for some reason something was not hooked up correctly or you just need to stop the
program, simply press the Halt button and PS-Cal will stop executing the calibration steps and reset all
the standards to a safe state.
Saving Calibration Data
After you have completed a calibration (or at any point during the calibration), you can save the
calibration data to disk. We recommend you save your calibration data often, to prevent loss of data due
to a power outage or power failure.
To save your calibration data
Select UUT -> Save As and navigate to the “C:\PS-Cal_V4\CalResults\” directory.
Enter the file name of the calibration data you are saving (we recommend you use a standard
naming conventions of either <JobNumber>.xml or <AssetNumber><CalDate>.xml).
Press Save.
Uploading Calibration Data
If the sensor has an EEPROM (Electronic, Erasable Programmable Read Only memory), you can upload the
calibration data to the sensor.
To upload the calibration data:
Click the Upload Data tab.
Click the Download Data button. This brings up the data for viewing. You will also see the word
“Ready!” indicating that the data is now available for upload to the EEPROM on the sensor.
Click the Save/Backup Sensor Data to File button. This makes sure that the data is saved, in
case there is a malfunction with the sensor prior to uploading.
Select whether to upload the data for
Cal Factors
Click the Upload Cal Data button. A dialog box prompts you to cycle the power on the power sensor.
Note: to test that the data uploaded correctly, after cycling power on the sensor, with the sensor still
connected, click the Download Data button.