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Section IV - Operating Instructions
Printing a Calibration Label
If the sensor is a non-EEPROM based sensor (it does not have an Electronic, Erasable Programmable Read
Only memory), it may require a calibration label to be printed. In order to print the calibration label you
must have a compatible label printer. Once all the calibration steps have been completed the power
sensor calibration label is ready to be printed.
To print the calibration label:
Select the Print Label tab of the power sensor being calibrated. Under this is a report viewer tool
used to generate the label. PS-Cal supports several different label sizes.
Select the report size from the drop down.
Press the Run Report button. PS-Cal presents a print view of the report in the Report Viewer
To print the report, press the Print button.
Note: If the report is generating a two page label, remove test points from the label by editing the
OnLabel under the Cal Factors tab. Columns that contain “Yes” in the OnLabel field will be
printed on the label.