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Section II – Installation
Installation Overview
In order to run the PS-Cal software all of the supporting software and hardware must first be installed on
the workstation. Along with the PS-Cal software, all of the required software is shipped on the PS-Cal CD.
On the CD you will find the following files and directories: PS-Cal.exe, SetupPS-Cal.msi, setup.exe, PS-
CAL-900.pdf (most current revision), licenseAgreement.pdf, changelog.pdf, and R&S Files-.
Installing .Net Framework
PS-Cal requires Microsoft .Net
4.0 Framework or higher.
If necessary, update the workstation .Net
installation at microsoft.com.
Installing Proper VISA Libraries
PS-CAL is designed to work will any VISA library. Use the manufacturer VISA installations for your
hardware requirements.
Example: If using National Instruments GPIB-USB-HS you would need the National Instruments VISA
Installing PS-CAL
Once .Net Framework and VISA libraries are installed, use the Setup.exe found on the PS-CAL installation
disk to install the PS-Cal software.
First Run
Power sensor calibration templates must be installed before using PS-Cal. When running PS-Cal for the
first time, select Tools -> Generate Blank Templates. PS-Cal will generate blank templates for all
supported sensors and display a notification once it completes its process.