Remove the drain screw to access the spring, jet
and "O" ring.
The main jet should be inspected and cleaned if depos-
its exist.
The float is held in the float bowl by the float pin which is
pressed into tabs on top of the float support towers.
When removing float from float bowl, pull straight up with
a needle nose pliers in the pocket closest to the main fuel
Carefully lift the float out of the float bowl and
inspect for damage or deposits.
10. Clean the idle passageway with compressed air, or
with tag wire.
The inlet needle is attached to the float and should also
be inspected for damage or deposits.
The inlet seat can be removed with a small wire hook or a
#2 crochet hook.
11. Inspect the float bowl and main nozzle area for
sediment and deposits.
12. Use a carburetor cleaner to loosen and remove
deposits and sediment.
The grooved side of the inlet seat goes into the float bowl
Use care when installing inlet seat into float bowl. Failure
to do so may result in scratching the inlet bore.
13. Install a new inlet seat into the float bowl.
14. Place a drop of oil on the seat and press it in with
a flat punch until it seats.
Some models are equipped with a fuel inlet seat retaining
ring. If your replacement seat set comes with a retaining
clip install it on top of the seat.
15. Slide the inlet needle into the tabs on the float and
put the float pin into the hinge on the float. Carefully
set the float into position in the float bowl.
16. Verify needle drops into the fuel inlet.
17. Snap the float shaft into the tabs in the float bowl.
It is not necessary to adjust the float height even if the
float has been replaced.
Idle Passage
Inlet Seat
Retaining Clip
Inlet needle seats at this point.
Insert grooved
face first.
Hinge Pin
Idle Passage
Main Nozzle
Insert grooved
face first.
Inlet needle
seats at
this point.
Press in until
seat rests on
body shoulder.
5/32" (3.9 mm)
Flat Punch
Retaining Clip