6 Limited warranty
1. Tecnoter warrants products sold under this contract to be free from defects in material and
workmanship, under normal use and service, for 12 months from the data of Tecnoter
2. Warranty consist in the free repair or replacement (ex works Tecnoter only) of defective
parts for sure defects in material and/ or manufacturing.
3. To require a warranty, customer shall contact Tecnoter via mail, fax or email within the
essential term of 5 days from the date of the identification of the problem. The
communication shall contains a clear indication of the suspect defect and a copy of the
purchase invoice.
4. Only the technical department of Tecnoter has the authority to determinate if the declared
defective part is covered, or not, by the warranty.
5. Warranty does not cover any cost excluding the defected part. Eg. Warranty does not cover:
- costs for freight, custom, taxes, etc.
- costs for machinery stop, delay on work, missing use, penalties, etc.
- seals, part subjected at use, flexible hoses, nylon and plastic parts, lubricants
- damaged caused by corrosion, ice, acids, chemical additives, etc.
- damaged caused by incorrect installation, use and/or maintenance
- damaged caused by overload
- damaged caused by bad quality / voltage / ampere of electrical connection
6. The use of not Tecnoter genuine spare parts, additives or lubricants during the warranty
period, immediately void the warranty.
7. The replacement of any part during warranty, doesn't extend the warranty time limit.
Tecnoter srl unipersonale
Wheel washing
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