2 Wash
Approaching the washing system, the driver has to verify the traffic light status:
Washing authorization denied
If the traffic light is RED, or another vehicle has already engaged the system, the access to the
washing lane is not allowed.
Washing authorization granted
When the traffic light is GREEN and no vehicles are entering the system, the driver can approach
the washing system by following these steps:
Be sure that the vehicle is included in the Authorized vehicle list
Be sure that the load is not larger than the vehicle perimeter, not even partially
Check the allowed weight and size limits
Verify that the entrance, exit and safety areas are free
Close all windows
Approach the washing line carefully and slowly
Keep the vehicle within the tracks marked on the ground starting from 12 metres before the
Approach the entrance lane checking that the vehicle is perfectly aligned
Pass through the washing line at allowed speed (max 3 Km/h)
Keep the vehicle perfectly straight until exiting from the exit track marked on the ground
(12 meters)
Tecnoter srl unipersonale
Wheel washing
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