User Manual
indicate HDD no pre-seted by system.
It will be available only when HDD have been formatted.
Total Space –
Total size of the hard drive currently installed.
Free Space –
Total amount of free space available on the hard drive currently
Useable Rec. Time –
Free space currently available in hours.
Auto-overwrite –
When set to ENABLE the DVR will record over the oldest files on
the hard drive. The DVR will always be able to record events as they happen, however, it
does means that you’ll need to get important events off the HDD before they’re
overwritten; and if overwrite is set to DISABLE the DVR will stop record once the DVR is
full. Whilst you won’t lose old footage, you run the risk of missing new events as they
happen. Be sure you want to do this before selecting it.
HDD Format –
Formatting the HDD will erase all data (i.e. footage) which is stored on
it, and re-create the FAT (file allocation table).
USB Format -
If you have a USB flash drive connected to the DVR, you can format
that, too. To do this, click the [USB Format] button and click [OK].
is an important first step when configuring your DVR to make sure that the
hard drive (HDD) options are correctly set. So, strongly suggest that you do format
the HDD before start the first record
Click [Main Menu
PTZ] to enter into the below window shown as Picture 5-45
Picture 5-45
You could select the channel you desire to control and set PTZ protocol (Pelco-D or
Pelco-P), Baud Rate (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600), Data bit (8, 7, 6, 5), Stop bit (1, 2), Parity
Check (None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space), Address Code and Cruise status respectively.
Please note the PTZ device can be activated only when a channel in connection with the
PTZ camera is selected. Serial Set
Enter into the [Main menu
Serial Set] interface shown as Picture 5-46
This figure is only for 16CH-CIF model reference