Configuration of sensor using service adapter / Vertical menu description / Settings - Calibration table
DUT-E fuel level sensors. Operation manual. Version 8.1
Technoton, 2020
3.10.7 Settings
Calibration table
This submenu is used for storing calibration table for particular
into sensor’s internal
memory. The sensor will recalculate level of fuel into volume of fuel on the basis of this table.
CAN/AF/232/485 will show incorrect data on fuel volume in liters,
DUT-E CAN/232/485 show incorrect data in percentage.
When summarizing signals from several DUT-E CAN/AF/232 it is obligatory to store
calibration table into each sensor.
Calibration table is based on values, received when performing
tank calibration
This procedure consists of refilling fuel tank with certain portions of fuel from empty to full
state (see video
to measure volume of fuel portions used to refill fuel tank, use
containers with accuracy error not more than 0.25 %.
To make tank calibration properly, please, follow the instructions:
vehicle being equipped should not be loaded and should be parked on even horizontal
fuel tank should be empty;
vehicle’s tires should by of standard size and type for this model;
pressure in tires should be within allowed range for this model;
vehicle should not move, ignition is turned on, engine not running;
between to consequent tank refilling operations, please, wait at least 60 seconds.
The data is entered as a table of correspondence between measured fuel level value
Level (mm)
field) and fuel volume in the tank (
Volume (l)
field). Recommended number of
table entries is 15. Max possible is 30 entries (see figure 52).
Figure 52
Calibration table