Configuration of sensor using service adapter / SK DUT-E purpose of use
DUT-E fuel level sensors. Operation manual. Version 8.1
Technoton, 2020
3 Configuration of sensor using service adapter
Minimum/maximum measurement level
is required for correct operation of
DUT-E AF/232/485/CAN as well as
according to
specific operating conditions
requirements of tracking devices/data loggers.
DUT-E A5/A10/F/I do not require any calibration and configuration.
Calibration and configuration is carried out with
(ordered separately). You may also use
service adapter for DUT-E CAN configuration.
S6 SK description can be found in
CAN j1939/S6 Telematics interface Operation Manual
3.1 SK DUT-E purpose of use
SK DUT-E service adapter is designed for configuration of DUT-E AF/232/485/CAN
models and communication between sensor and PC.
Before starting with service adapter, it is necessary to download software from
) and install it to PC:
USB driver;
Service DUT-E software.
Service DUT-E software functions:
checking and modifying sensor settings;
sensor calibration;
fuel tank calibration;
saving sensor configuration profile to PC;
upload previously saved configuration profile from PC to sensor;
monitor sensor output data;
run sensor diagnostics;
update sensor firmware.