DUT-E fuel level sensors. Operation manual. Version 8.1
Technoton, 2020
See figure 1 for identification codes for
* Per special order sensor can be manufactured with any custom measuring probe length up to
1400 mm. For orders less than 200 pieces in calendar quarter, 10 % extra fee is applied.
Figure 1
DUT-E order identification codes
Examples of DUT-E ordering identification codes:
Fuel level sensor DUT-E A10 L=700 mm,
(output voltage from 2.5 to 9.0 V, nominal measuring probe length 700 mm).
Fuel level sensor DUT-E CAN L=1000 mm,
(CAN j1939/S6 interface, nominal measuring probe length 1000 mm).
For DUT-E AF/232/485/CAN configuration a service adapter (
) is used,
which is ordered additionally, and software Service DFM Marine you can download and/or
update your Service DUT-E software at
, in
It is strongly recommended to follow strictly the instructions of the
present Manual when using, mounting or maintaining DUT-E.
guarantees DUT-E compliance with the requirements of technical regulations
subject to the conditions of storage, transportation and operation set out in this Manual.
Manufacturer reserves the right to modify DUT-E specifications that do
not lead to a deterioration of the consumer qualities without prior customer notice.