Profile function
Profile function
Basic diagram:
Input variables:
Output variables:
Enable profile
Set value if (Enable = Off)
Status profile active = Output ON when set
value is not OFF
Start profile = Starting the time controlled process Indication of the output
Stop profile = Stopping the time controlled pro-
Set value = Value of the current stage
Reset profile = Reset to stage 0 (profile disabled)
Current stage
Cycle profile = More forward by 1 step
(from step 1)
Simple description of the function:
This function generates a time-controlled output of
up to 64 values
. In each stage, the system
switches from one value to the next in a set table and outputs the value as a "set value." In this way, a
profile can be set up, e.g. a temperature profile that is suitable for a floor screed drying out program.
Special features:
The input variables Start, Stop, Reset or Cycle profile must be digital commands (ON/OFF)
(e.g. digital input, switching output or another function, etc.)
Each of the input variables can be manually operated directly from the function by entering
. However, the command "STOP PROFILE" behaves differently than a linked input varia-
ble in manual mode. In the link, the meter is only stopped as long as the stop signal is active,
thereafter the meter continues running. In the manual mode, "STOP PROFILE" also generates
a reset. The meter then starts from the beginning again when restarted.
A cyclical process is possible: the first value is called again after the last one.
If the module is blocked (enable = off), a value is output that is either determined via "Set val-
ue if (enable = Off" or that another module creates as an input variable. It is therefore possible
to use the enable to switch between the profile and an external analogue value.
The table entry OFF means: During this step, the profile is not active. A value is output, that
can either be specified via “Set value if (enable = Off)” or which originates from another mod-
ule as the input variable.
The following functional variables can be set as the set value: temperature, dimensionless,
output, heat amMWh, heat amkWh, number of impulses, time and solar radiation.