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MA-1650-4 SERIES
Address No.
Description of Programming Contents
-- Continued --
When the [ITEM CORR] key is operated immediately after the Head-
link item entry, the Sub-link compulsory status will also be canceled.
When the [ITEM CORR] key is operated immediately after the
compulsory Sub-link item entry, an error will result.
If the Validation Compulsory or Slip Compulsory status is on either
or both of the two depts. in the linkage, it must be operated as
required in the ordinary timing.
Repeat entries will not be allowed on either the Head-link or Sub-link
10) Dollar Discount, %+, and %- may be operated on the Sub-link item
as well as the Head-link item.
11) When the Head-link dept. is programmed with “Single-item” status
and a Single-item receipt has been issued accordingly, the Sub-link
dept. entry will not be compulsory.
12) An entry of any PLU linked to the Head-link dept will not require the
Sub-link dept entry.
13) If Store Coupon is entered through the Head-link dept, the Sub-link
dept entry will not be compulsory.
14) When the Sub-link dept entry is compulsory, Store Coupon may be
entered through the Sub-link dept.
15) When the Sub-link dept is not memory-opened, the Head-link dept
entry will result in an error.