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MA-1650-4 SERIES
6. DLLs (Down Line Loadings)
The DLL operations will send and load the programmed data of the Master Terminal (the terminal file portion
described in Chapter 7 in the Programming Manual for the stand-alone level) into the Satellite Terminals. Thus, in
an in-line system, program data are mostly generated or changed on the Master Terminal, and the Satellite Terminals
only wait for the data sent from the Master Terminal through DLL operations. All the DLLs in this chapter are operated
on the Master Terminal only.
The DLL operations are expected to be executed in the System Start-up Procedure, as well as in any necessary
occasion when any additional data are programmed or any pre-programmed data are changed on the Master
The following are DLL operations, among which required ones may be chosen according to the requirements of data
to be loaded for each occasion.
Before going into DLL operations, please be certain that the Master Terminal and Satellite Terminals have gone
through the respective programming requirements before DLLs. These requirements are listed in Chapter 3
When a DLL process has not normally ended, the Master Terminal will be in the condition of accepting a RETRY or
INCOMPLETE ENDING (described in Chapter 12). On an INCOMPLETE ENDING, a receipt is issued with the
unopened Register Nos printed.
When a DLL is executed and there are any DLL-incomplete terminals, the Master Terminal will be in the condition
of accepting a RETRY or INCOMPLETE ENDING. On an INCOMPLETE ENDING, a receipt is issued with the DLL-
incomplete Register Nos printed.
Master Terminal and the terminals subject to the DLL:
Sign-OFF is not necessarily required for the Cashier Code Entry type
Satellite Terminals: Any position if the power is ON
Master Terminal: Mode Lock: SET and IN-LINE Lamp illuminated
1. To execute a DLL operation, first enter “5”, then the Submode No., and finally depress the [AT/TL] key.
5 0 1
Submode No. at programming (add “0” on top to a 1-digit Submode No.)
“06” (for Date) is not available; both Time and Date will be DLLed by
entering “05.”
“18” (for Dealer System Options) is not available; Dealer System
Option will be DLLed by entering “11”.
Neither “15” (for Customer File Code & Name) nor “54” (for Credit Card
No. Negative Check File) are available because they are in the Center
Always attach “5” on top.