8.5.2 Firmware Utilities
Firmware Utilities allows the firmware used by the System controller, Autoloader
controller and the drives to be updated (depending on the drive model). The preferred
method to update System and Loader firmware is via TrueNet. If required these utilities
allow firmware to be updated from firmware files stored in the root directory of a FAT32
formatted USB memory stick installed in any USB port on the System. Load System F/W
The System software that is used to copy discs may be updated from time to time, to add
new features or support for new drives. The following functions are used to update the
firmware in the machine. Load F/W XMODEM
This function is not available on the System. It is included for the use of
service personnel. Load F/W From USB
This function reads firmware from a USB memory stick connected to the System via a USB
port. This option will only appear if the USB stick is already connected to the System and
contains a valid firmware file (*.rqf). Selecting this option then allows the System to read
this firmware and update accordingly. Once the System firmware is updated, the System
will automatically restart. Load Drive F/W
The recorder manufacturer may update the software that is used by the CD-R or
recorders from time to time. This could be for bug fixes, new features or format support,
or to optimize the recording quality on new media as it becomes available.
A file containing
approved recorder firmware can be obtained from the
site, or
authorized distributors. This is the ONLY file that should be used to update
the drives. Do not attempt to use any other file, as it may contain firmware that has not
been approved by
, and may cause the System to function incorrectly.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you DO NOT turn off the power while this function is running.
Turning off the power before the System has completed the drive upgrade may leave
your recorders in a state where they no longer function correctly. If you are in any doubt
about this, please contact
or an authorized
distributor before using this
The update process is very simple, but user confirmation is requested several times
before the drives are actually updated. Choose the menu item
Utilities Menu |
Firmware Utilities | Load Drive F/W
and follow the prompts on the LCD. Load Loader F/W
Occasionally, there may be an updated version of loader firmware available for
download. This is the menu entry that will allow you to load this onto your autoloader.
For the reliability of your System, only install official firmware released by
onto your