User Manual of Solar Intelligent Energy System (SIES)
TBB Power Confidential Page
By pressing
“EQ” button of Cyber, you can choose Equalization program for flooded or OPZS battery.
As a result, Energier Pro’s battery charger will, after a normal charging cycle (bulk-absorption), raise
the voltage to equalization level and stay at this voltage level for 30 minutes.
Table 34 Equalization Voltage of various battery types
Battery type
12Vdc model
24Vdc model
48Vdc model
EQ Voltage
EQ Voltage
EQ Voltage
As a protection mechanism, if a wrong battery type is chosen, S
IES won’t execute equalization
charging program.
It is strongly recommended to read this section carefully before you set the
Equalization charging (desulphation charging) and DO NOT leave battery
unattended while performing Equalization.
Always check if the battery manufacturer supports Equalization charging. Only start
when it is allowed.
Through the “EQ” button, you can run the Equalization program manually. Once you start EQ program,
SIES will perform Equalization charging.
After you have chosen this program, the charger of Eneriger Pro will start an ordinary
charging cycle, and then it will raise the battery voltage to EQ level. The icon of “EQ” in the
information area of Battery Status of Cyber will be light on.
The Equalization charging lasts for 30 minutes. After that it will start floating charging.
Check electrolyte level and refill battery with distilled water if necessary.
If you want to come to normal charging:
Firstly switch off Energier Pro bi-directional inverter
Secondly switch on Eneriger Pro once again, then it starts a normal charging.
During equalization, the battery generates potentially flammable gases. Follow all
the battery safety precautions listed in this guide. Ventilate the area around the
battery thoroughly and ensure that there are no sources of flame or sparks in the