User Manual of Solar Intelligent Energy System (SIES)
TBB Power Confidential Page
5.3 Configurations
Before the formal operation of SIES system, various system settings have to be completed as soon
as the system was switched on. These settings include clock, calendar, battery type, battery capacity,
etc. Please refer to Section 6.3 for details.
5.4 Battery Calibration
If battery is put into use for the first time or has been changed, the battery capacity needs to be
calibrated within the system. The calibration will run automatically upon first installation and during
the daily operation on regular basis.
When there is system error code 08301, it means the battery bank has to be calibrated.
When the error code 08301 disappeared, it means the battery bank has been calibrated
Upon first installation, SIES system will not be able to
switch to “Inverter” mode,
until the first calibration is done either by grid or PV charging.
5.5 Maintenance Bypass
If Energier Pro or Solar Mate needs maintenance service, the Maintenance Bypass switch in Smart
Box has to be closed up. In this way, Eneriger pro or Solar Mate is separated from the rest of SIES
system. During the maintenance period, the loads can be powered by grid or generator.
It is CRITIAL to follow these instructions upon using Maintenance Bypass:
Please firstly switch off Eneriger Pro before other operation.
Please switch off AC output before close the switch of Maintenance Bypass.
Otherwise, a wrong operation will damage Energier Pro and is out of warranty.
Before switch on Energier Pro, always make sure the Maintenance Bypass switch is
on OFF position.