Physical Setup
There are multiple on-line tutorials that cover the process of un-boxing, hardware adjustment,
preference selection, menu navigation, receiver binding, failsafe setting, and range testing.
Since this is all the same for aircraft or robot I’m not going to duplicate that info here, but I will
assume that you have your transmitter operational and have figured out the menu navigation
controls. If you need some help with that process, try this tutorial:
RCdiy Taranis Q X7 OpenTX –Setup
As delivered, the Taranis Q-X7 defaults to the ‘Mode 2’ stick layout with channels one thru four
assigned to
, and
(AETR) in that order. This stick and
channel layout can be changed, but the examples in this guide assume that this default channel
layout is your starting point.
Menu Navigation
The action all takes place in the
Model Setup
menu. Power on and dismiss any warning
messages to get to your home screen: