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tv2000-4000mkI-4000DC.docx Rev. 1.06 UK 0718
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Tamson Instruments bv
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Menu items
The menu items can be operated using the three front
panel button. Use the left button to select the item, than
change the parameter using the "up" and "down" key. By
pressing the menu button the changes are activated
immediately. When the value is altered but the button is
not pressed the value will be accepted and stored after
approximately 5 seconds, and the menu will returns back
to normal operating mode.
Menu item "Set point"
This item will set the bath temperature. It can be set in steps
of 0.01°C.
Menu item "Offset"
The temperature displayed can be increased or decreased
with an offset ranging from +5.00 down to -5.00 in steps of
The offset will synchronise the bath temperature readout
with an independent separate thermometer.
In addition a special offset of 0.005°C can be set using the
item "SP offset".
Menu item "Max Power"
(press: low, med, hi, max)
Limits the applied power by a maximum value:
Maximum of 25% applied
Maximum of 50% applied
Maximum of 75% applied
100% power is applied
Menu item "Boost heater"
A secondary heater is used to quickly heat up the bath. This
menu item enables or disables the heater.
Standard value: On
Menu item "Time const."
Used to select time to tune. The option precise has to be
used to reach maximum temperature accuracy. Options
- Fast
60 seconds
- Medium
120 seconds
- Slow
180 seconds
- Precise
240 seconds
Standard value:
* Menu item "Stirrer"
Optional: Stirrer 0 .. 100% (step 6%). Inactive