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the ambient temperature it is necessary to apply cooling
water to the cooling coil or to increase or decrease the
flow of cooling water through the cooling coil.
RS 232 C Interface
The bath is equipped with a RS 232 C interface which
allows the communication with a computer.
"communication.PDF" and Tamsom software to use
the bath remotely or use the software as data logger.
9.6.1 General settings
Baud rate can be selected using the menu option "Baud rate". Standard setting is 9600
Data setting parameters are fixed (can not be altered):
8 data bits
1 stop bit
parity none
9.6.2 Commands overview
commands are place between brackets "[ ]"
values are placed between "< >" signs
(Do not use these brackets when sending commands.)
returns whether bath is stable or not. State 1 = stable, 0 not stable. Limits are set with parameters
StableLimitHigh and StableLimitLow defined by ASTM D445. So when PV is in the region of
100°C>PV<0°C StableLimitHigh is defined as 0.05. When the average PV deviation (calculated from a
sliding window of 255 seconds) is smaller than StableLimitHigh, the ST command will return stable(1).
When PV is 0°<=PV<=100°C and the average PV (calculated from a sliding window of 255 seconds) is
smaller than StableLimitLow, the ST command will return stable(1)
Restarts (same as power off-on)
Reads raw ADC value, returns 3 bytes binary data, LSB first. This returns the last raw ADC reading.
Note that this is updated every 200mS, so reading at a faster rate may return duplicate values. Maximum
reading is 0x7FFFFF. This command is used for factory calibration/test.
[CT] <enter>
Returns the offset value.
[CT] <value> <enter>
Sets the offset value.
Sets/displays time constant in seconds
Power limit in seconds.
Returns boost heater on/off state, 0 or 1
sets boost heater state 0/1
Control state – returns state of control algorithm
bits 4..7 represent the main control stages, bits 0..3 are sub-states within each main state
$00 : control algorithm disabled – allows external PC to take control of heaters
$10 : startup hold-off started
$11 : startup holdoff in progress