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(37) Command “RVSUB”
Function: Command for reading out Vsub value (CCD substrate voltage) (Read VSUB)
Transmission from host: STX: “RVSUB”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: “RVSUB”: Vsub set value: ETX (transaction completion),
or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
The data of “Vsub set value” (1 byte/2 characters) can be read out.
Note in use of commands
The internal nonvolatile ROM (EEPROM) guarantees the rewritable times up to 1 million based on the specifications of
the device. Accordingly, it is highly recommended to avoid such usage as the commands accompanied by writing in
EEPROM including “WA to WF”, “SMC” and “e” are repeated endlessly (or almost endlessly) in the program loop on
the user side.