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(23) Command “RTMP”
Function: Command for reading data of internal temperature of camera (Read TeMPerature)
Transmission from host: STX: “RTMP”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: “RTMP”: internal temperature data: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX
(transaction rejection)
The current content of the internal temperature data of the camera can be returned in the hexadecimal system.
The effective data is the low 10 bits out of the returned 16 bits. This 10 bit value presents a signed integer value in two’s
complement form -511 to 511. Actual temperature in Celsius is calculated by multiplying the value by a certain factor.
Refer to “(4-9) Monitoring function for internal temperature of camera” for the conversion method from the returned
data to temperature value.
(24) Command “RMSW”
Function: Command for reading the hypothetical mode switch position (Read Mode SW)
Transmission from host: STX: “RMSW”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: n (1 character) : ETX (transaction completion),
or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
(25) Command “WMSW”
Function: Command for switching the hypothetical mode switch position to n (Write Mode SW)
Transmission from host: STX: “WMSW”: n (1 character) : ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
(26) Command “SMSW”
Function: Command for saving the hypothetical mode switch position (Save Mode SW)
Transmission from host: STX: “SMSW”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
(27) Command “RSSW”
Function: Command for reading the hypothetical shutter switch position (Read Shutter SW)
Transmission from host: STX: “RSSW”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: n (1 character) : ETX (transaction completion),
or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
(28) Command “WSSW”
Function: Command for switching the hypothetical shutter switch position to n (Write Shutter SW)
Transmission from host: STX: “WSSW”: n (1 character) : ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
(29) Command “SSSW”
Function: Command for saving the hypothetical shutter switch position (Save Shutter SW)
Transmission from host: STX: “SSSW”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
(30) Command “X”
Function: Command for generating asynchronous shutter trigger (eXecute Trigger)
Transmission from host: STX: “X”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
When the camera is set to be in the asynchronous shutter mode (except in the time when the menu is being displayed),
this command enables the camera to update the image by internally generating the asynchronous trigger signal.
The internally generated trigger signal is of negative logic in 1ms±5%.
(Note) When the command “X” is received, “ACK”(transaction completion) is returned even if the asynchronous shutter
mode is not selected or the menu is displayed (in the setting condition where the asynchronous shutter operation is
disabled by the command “X”).
(Note) Since the command is executed through the serial communication, it does not quickly act unlike the trigger signal
(Vint signal) which is input from the camera connector. Therefore, it is recommended to use the commands only
when no immediacy is required, for example, in the case where the operation of the camera is checked for setting,
or the moving velocity of an object to be shot is extraordinary slow.