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Confirmation by GenICam feature
It can be confirmed by GenICam feature as below when using the application software like GEVPlayer (that comes with
attached SDK) which can set up and read out the GenICam feature.
TakexCameraControls > FcModeSW
Feature of Mode switch setting
TakexCameraControls > FcShutterSW
Feature of Shutter switch setting
Confirmation by Serial communication command
The current setting values of Shutter switch and Mode switch can be confirmed by using the following commands when the
communication with serial communication commands is possible using Coyote and FCTool (that comes with attached SDK) or
Command ”RMSW”
To read out the current set values of Mode switch
Command ”RSSW”
To read out the current set values of Shutter switch
(5-8-2) Mode switch and Shutter switch settings change
It can change settings by any of the following methods.
Setting by GenICam feature
It can be changed by changing GenICam feature settings as below when using the application software like GEVPlayer (that
comes with attached SDK) which can set up and read out the GenICam feature.
TakexCameraControls > FcModeSW
Feature of Mode switch setting
TakexCameraControls > FcShutterSW
Feature of Shutter switch setting
Setting by Serial communication command
The current setting values of Shutter switch and Mode switch can be changed by using the following commands when the
communication with serial communication commands is possible using Coyote and FCTool (that comes with attached SDK) or
Command ”WMSW”
To write the set values of Mode switch
Command ”WSSW”
To write the set values of Shutter switch
(Note) Refer to section 6-3 for the details about setting and reading of the GenICam feature.
(Note) Refer to section 7-2 and 7-3 for the details about confirmation and setting by serial communication command.