4.3 Navigation the TCS Interface
The TCS (Terminal Configuration System) is the interface that you use to configure your
Several operations that you should be familiar with before you attempt to modify the
Operation Key
Move down to sub-menu
To access in to a submenu.
Move up to previous menu [ESC]
Press the [ESC] key to move back to
the previous menu.
Move the Cursor
Use [<] or [>] to move cursor left
and right or up and down, press
[TAB] to move cursor sequence.
Enter information
Fill in, or press
You need to fill in two types of
fields. The First requires you to type
in the appropriate information. The
second allows you to cycle through
the available choices by pressing the
Save your Configuration
Save your configuration by selecting
“YES” at the pop up “Confirm?”
message. In most cases it will take
you to the previous menu.
Exit the TCS
To exit the TCS interface, press
[ESC] at the Main Menu prompt and
pop up message “Logout” select