Parking for Storage – At Home
1. Remove trailer brake controller before backing
The brake controller should understand backing.
Remove the controller to avoid problems.
2. Back trailer to parking pad
3. Check trailer position
4. Chock the left wheel with brick
5. Chock the right wheel with wheel lock
6. Disconnect tow vehicle:
Install flat plate
Raise tongue jack until there is movement
Unlock & disconnect receiver
Raise tongue jack until clear of ball
Remove safety chains & brake cable
Remove 7-pin power connection
Move tow vehicle forward
7. Lower tongue
Lower the tongue well below hitch height to make
theft difficult.
8. Install coupler locks
9. Lower stabilizer pads
This discourages theft. With the stabilizers down, a
thief can’t raise the tongue high enough to attach to
their vehicle. If they do, the wheels won’t be on the
10. Check water empty
Avoid storing for more than a 3 or 4 days with
water in the trailer. The fresh water tank drain is in
front of the passenger side tire. Hot and cold system
drains are under the sink. Boiler drain is the yellow
lever under the sink. Consider draining the
freshwater on the drive home.
11. Disconnect Battery
While disconnecting battery, check propane OFF.
Propane should have been OFF while towing.
12. Remove trip specific items from cabin
13. Empty refrigerator
Once empty, wipe out all moisture. The freezer will
“ice up” due to humidity during the unpacking
process. Do not close the refrigerator until dry.
14. Remove food from kitchen
15. Leave refrigerator door open until dry
To prevent mold, make sure the frost is removed
and the interior is dry before closing.
16. Put charcoal sock in refrigerator
Place either a sock filled with bricketts or a bag of
desiccant to in the refrigerator to absorb moisture.
17. Secure & lock kitchen hatch
18. Secure & lock cabin door
19. Cover
If a freeze is expected:
When the trailer is in use,
all water lines in the
pressurized system are inside the heated space. The
fresh water tank, feed line from the fresh tank to the
pump and the hose from external water source to
the trailer are subject to freezing. The gray holding
tank and both gray and black lines leading to the
dump valves are subject to freezing. Waste water
freezes at a lower temperature than fresh water. If
the trailer is in use, disconnect the external water
supply, the trailer should be fine if the temperature
is only slightly below 32ºF for less than 6 hours or
not lower than 25ºF for less than 3 hours. These
approximations change based on wind and how
high the temperature rose during the day.
If the trailer is not in use,
remove all liquid from
the trailer. Once empty, there is nothing to freeze.
1. Drain all drains
This includes the fresh tank, hot /cold drains, boiler
drain, and dumping. At least one faucet should be
2. Raise and lower tongue to ensure water is drained
3. Blow our all lines, 30 to 40psi
An electric air pump is under the right dinette seat.
These steps remove all water form the trailer.
4. Add alcohol to kitchen sink
This will protect the water trapped in the sink P-trap
from freezing. A third cup is plenty. The shower and
lavatory sink don’t have P-traps.
5. Disconnect lines and filter cup from water pump
An expanded version of this is in the NuCamp
Owner’s manual. Once the liquid water is removed
from the trailer, you are protected from freeze
damage. Don’t add anti-freeze!
6. Waste tanks should be empty
The toilet tank will stay liquid to a lower
temperature. It is heated by the cabin through the
toilet when the trailer is in use. The material in the
waste lines and gray tank are not heated and may
freeze. Store with both waste tanks empty.
320 CS “Just Enough” Users Guide revised Dec 2023
page 7