1. Secure Interior
All gear stowed
Water jug in lavatory
Lavatory door locked
Cabinet doors closed
Lights OFF
Windows and ceiling fan closed and locked
2. Disconnect & stow external services (if used)
3. Retract stabilizers (if deployed)
4. Install & reconnect to brake controller
See “Departing” for expanded text.
5. Install 7 pin plug
6. Check trailer lights
Anytime the trailer 7 pin plug is connected, test the
trailer lights.
7. Check all external compartments are closed & latched
Look for the roof vent and windows locked. All exterior
hatches locked, and connections to tow vehicle secure.
8. Ensure door & kitchen hatch are locked
Give each door a tug to make sure they are secure then
check locked.
9. Check step is secure
Ensure it is latched in the retracted position.
10. Propane OFF at the tank
Nothing requiring propane operates while towing.
There are no benefits towing with propane ON.
11. Check battery ON for towing
Battery must be ON for operation of the Emergency
Brake system. Latch nose compartment when finished.
Setting Up Camp – At Destination with
1. Walk site to determine where the trailer will go
Both the spotter and the driver should agree on the final
trailer position
path to get there. Consider using
landmarks to use while backing, like a white cloth. The
driver only sees the inside of the turn.
2. Remove trailer brake controller before backing
If power is applied to the brakes while backing, it is
possible to damage the brakes. Removing the controller
avoids this.
3. Back trailer into position
Take your time.
4. Level side to side with wedges
If the wedges are not tall enough, set them on top of the
2x6in board.
5. Chock the other wheel with wheel lock
If leveling wedges aren’t needed, place the wheel lock
on the passenger side tire.
6. Disconnect tow vehicle:
Install jockey wheel or flat plate
Raise tongue jack until there is movement
Unlock & disconnect receiver
The ball must be in the front of the socket to release
from the coupler fingers. The latch should freely release
when raised.
Raise tongue jack until clear of ball
If there is difficulty releasing, adjust the tongue height
to relieve pressure on the ball. Push the trailer back
while raising the trailer tongue.
Remove safety chains & brake cable
Remove 7-pin power connection
Move tow vehicle forward
Consider parking the tow vehicle off center on the door
side of the trailer for better access to the back of the tow
7. Level front to rear with tongue jack (slightly nose
If using the air conditioner, set the trailer slightly nose
down. The air conditioner condensation tray drain is at
the forward edge of the tray. If not using the air
conditioner, set the trailer level.
8. Install coupler locks
9. Lower stabilizer pads
Lower pads to make firm contact with the ground yet
not lift the trailer. Stabilizer pads don’t support weight.
They prevent movement.
10. Check Electrical Post breakers OFF
This prevents power surges while connecting.
320 CS “Just Enough” Users Guide revised Dec 2023
page 5