Dumping (if Required)
1. Attach sewer hose to the trailer sewer outlet
A firm twist will secure the hose to the outlet. Make
sure it is secure.
2. Stretch hose to dump inlet
The end of the hose goes in the hole, it doesn’t attach.
In the winter, the hose may become very stiff and will
not stretch.
3. Hold hose at dump inlet
The force of the waste passing through the hose will
pull it from the dump inlet. Leaning your foot or a large
rock on the sewer cover will be enough to prevent
4. Pull black valve lever to drain black tank
Black tank waste moves quickly. Be prepared for the
hose to move. The tank empties quickly.
5. When black tank is empty close the black valve
If you don’t have a clear section in the hose, wait 20
seconds after you think no more waste is flowing.
Slowly raise the hose from the trailer to the dump port
to empty the dump hose.
6. Pull gray valve handle to empty gray tank
The gray line is smaller, the gray waste will flow slower
than the black waste.
7. When gray tank is empty close the gray valve
If you don’t have a clear section in the hose, wait 20
seconds after you think waste is no longer flowing.
Empty the dump hose the same way.
8. Consider adding water to black tank for second flush
You will need about 3 gallons of water to make a
cleansing flush effective. If the trailer is in at least
monthly use & you are using biological tank treatments
and using the trailer monthly, the second flush may not
be necessary.
9. Remove hose & replace cover
Twist cover to make sure it is secure.
10. Rinse sewer hose & spray down area to clean
11. Stow all gear
Large plastic bag for dump hose, rinse hose, and
sprayer. Store the plastic bag in the nose compartment.
12. Repeat last three items of Departing the Site list
As a minimum, check:
Dump Cap secure
All windows, doors, & hatches secure
Step stowed
Trailer tow vehicle attachments secure
Consider draining fresh water driving home
Travel Stop
1. Find a reasonable location
Campsite is the best, a rest area may work also.
2. Remain hooked to tow vehicle
It is unnecessary to disconnect the hitch unless you
need to go somewhere without the trailer.
3. Check close to level
If you can sleep, it is close enough.
4. Remove brake controller
The Echo brake controller will draw power from the
tow vehicle while connected.
5. Disconnect 7 pin from tow vehicle
Trailer will draw power from tow vehicle if connected.
6. Lower rear stabilizers (Optional)
If in a camp site, the rear stabilizers will make the
trailer more steady. If in a rest area, maybe not.
7. If external services are available
Use only needed items. You’re not staying long.
Electrical Hook-ups
Good for operating refrigerator and charging the
Confirm Battery ON; Propane as needed
Turn ON Propane if needed for cooking or heating.
Leave propane OFF is not using.
External Water
If needed, recommend traveling with some water if
expecting a stop. This allows use of the toilet.
Deploy step
Check voltage, greater than 12.6v
If on external electrical power.
Bleed air from water system; all fixtures
If you are already pressurized, skip this step.
8. If external services are not available
Confirm Battery ON; Propane as needed
Turn ON Propane if needed for cooking or heating. If
not needed, leave Propane OFF.
Turn water pump ON
Consider running pump when necessary and turning
pump OFF when not needed. Do not run the pump
without fresh water in the tank.
Bleed air from water system; all fixtures
If you are already pressurized, skip this step.
Conserve battery power
Unplug TV. Consider turning refrigerator OFF. Run
water pump only when needed.
9. If internal water is not available use drinking water to
flush toilet
Consider traveling with some internal flushing water
unless drained for cold weather.
320 CS “Just Enough” Users Guide revised Dec 2023
page 4