2018 Tab 320 CS-S Users Guide
1. Water pump switch OFF
Never turn the pump ON without water in the system.
Consider pressurizing the water system before
departure. Fill the fresh water tank. Turn ON pump to
pressurize and bleed the air from the system. See
“Arrival step 19” for greater detail. This takes 20% of
water: half a gallon for the system plus filling the Alde
hot water tank. Empty the gray tank and top off the
freshwater tank. Turn the pump OFF when finished.
2. Check battery & tank levels
Battery must be charged and ON (connected) for
towing. Consider gray and black tank levels. See
“Dumping” for more information. Turn ON the Jensen
unit and set the time. Then, turn Jensen unit OFF.
3. Fully close & lock windows
Closed & locked to prevent damage while towing.
4. Open blinds & close screens
Recommended to reduce heat buildup in the windows.
5. Close & lock roof vent
Towing with the Fantastic Fan open will accelerate
wear & may cause damage. Close and lock.
6. Alde & Air Conditioner OFF
All environmental systems OFF while towing, or
connecting / disconnecting electrical power.
7. Secure all loose objects
Anything not secure will move while towing. Dresser
top clear, all other items secure.
8. Fully lower & secure table
Table set to lowest setting and move to one side.
Tighten to prevent movement while towing.
9. Latch all cabinet doors
All doors & drawers closed and latched.
10. Turn lights OFF
All lights should be OFF to reduce battery draw.
11. Check water jug secure
Towels around the bottom of the jug will hold it in
place in the shower.
12. Lock bathroom door
1. Check lug nuts (before trip)
This may be accomplished the day before and at least
every third day on an extended trip.
2. Check tires for correct pressure, 45 to 50psi
This may be accomplished each morning before a trip.
Changes in altitude or temperature will cause changes
in tire pressure. The tires need air periodically. They
should be equally imperfect. Adding air to only one tire
indicates a problem. Check the tires for blisters
(bumps), cuts and uneven wear. Tires may be cleaned
with a mild soap or wiped down with ArmorAll for UV
protection. Check the spare also.
3. Disconnect, drain & stow water hookup hoses
Try to get all the water out of the hose before storing to
prevent mold and mildew growth.
4. Remove wheel & coupler locks
Stow in nose compartment yellow bag.
5. Turn gas at propane tank OFF
No propane equipment should operate while towing.
6. Connect battery for towing
The battery must be connected, ON, to operate the
emergency brakes and for the tow vehicle to charge the
7. Retract stabilizing jacks
8. Secure & lock cabin door
This prevents the door opening when towing over
uneven terrain and prevents unwanted passengers.
9. Stow the step
Make sure the step is latched in the UP position. This is
checked twice as it is often forgotten.
10. Air Conditioner deflectors remove & stow
Stow if used. Wintertime or towing in the rain, consider
covering the side AC vent.
11. Disconnect & stow electrical hookup cord
Once the external electrical power is removed, the
trailer is powered from the battery. Assume the trailer
with the refrigerator running draws about 4 amps per
hour. The actual draw is less. Our current battery has 38
amps available for use (75amp RV/Marine). Do not
leave the trailer on battery power only for more than 8
consecutive hours. The battery is not being charged
until the 7 pin plug is connected
the tow vehicle is
running. If the tow vehicle is not running, the tow
vehicle battery is discharging as well.
320 CS “Just Enough” Users Guide revised Dec 2023
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