The view obtained when the drill bit and the protection
sleeve are perfectly aligned is exactly perpendicular to the
plane formed by the nail and the insertion handle and, there-
fore, almost parallel to the knee joint.
The drill bit shows the exact position of the first proximal
cancellous bone locking screw.
If necessary, insert the nail more distally.
– It is important that the cannulated screws and the cancel-
lous bone locking screws do not interfere, and that the
cancellous bone locking screws do not damage the surface
of the tibia plateau.
– Depending on the anatomy of the patient’s proximal tibia
and on the specific situation, the second proximal oblique
locking option can be chosen instead of the first locking
0X6.000.380_AC.qxp:0X6.000.380_AC 20.01.2009 10:31 Uhr Seite 49