20 mm
15 mm
10 mm
5 mm
Expert Tibial Nail
Check proximal nail position
Aiming Arm for Tibial Nail
357.399 Guide
3.2 mm
Attach the aiming arm and insert a guide wire in the hole as
shown in the illustration.
The tip of the guide wire indicates the exact proximal posi-
tion of the nail.
Remove the connector and the aiming arm unless proximal
locking is the next step.
Check proximal nail position under image intensification in
the lateral view.
The distance between the markings on the insertion
handle is 5 mm and corresponds to the extensions of the
end caps. This feature can be used for over insertion of the
nail or for correcting the nail location within the medullary
If primary compression or secondary dynaminization are
planned, it is recommended to over insert the nail by more
than 7 mm, which corresponds to the maximum distance
between the positions in static and dynamic modes.
Insert the Nail
0X6.000.380_AC.qxp:0X6.000.380_AC 20.01.2009 10:31 Uhr Seite 24