SWING Flugsportgeräte GmbH reserves the right to alter or add to the contents
of this Manual at any time. You should therefore regularly visit our website :
where you will find additional information relating to your paraglider and any
changes to the Manual. There is further information about the SWING website in the section
“SWING on the World Wide Web”.
The date and version number of this Manual are given on the front page.
Express written consent from SWING Flugsportgeräte GmbH is required for any duplication of this Manual, in
whole or in part (with the exception of short quotations in specialist articles), and in any form or by any means,
whether electronic or mechanical.
The information and data found in this Manual may be altered at any time without notice. The fact that this
Manual has been made available does not confer any claim to the product descriptions, common or trade
names or other intellectual property.