Chapter 5: Local control of the equipment
User’s Manual: DT-02 Series
Line 1: Presence/absence of the DVB-ASI Transport Stream. If the
equipment is configured to accept ASI Transport Stream, but there is no
input signal or there is another type of input signal, the equipment
shows an alarm and the input signal indicator in the main screen showns
an ‘A’ blinking.
Figure 4.3 Main screen. Input signal alarm (‘A’ blinks)
Line 2: ASI input bitrate. This measurement is only available when the
input signal type is ASI. This parameter is displayed in the main screen.
Line 3: Overflow: the maximum transmitted bitrate is defined based on
the constellation scheme, convolutional coding, guard interval and
channel bandwidth. If the equipment detects that the input ASI signal
has a bit rate superior to the maximum allowed, an alarm is triggered
and the value of the input bitrate blinks in the main screen. In this case,
transmitter configuration, constellation scheme, guard interval and/or
convolutional coding will have to be changed so that overflow does not
Line 4: Packet format (188 or 204 bytes) if used packet forma is 204
bytes (188 bytes + 16 bytes of the Reed-Solomon code) the modulator
does not have to introduce the 16 bytes of the Reed-Solomon code. If
the packet size is 188bytes the modulator will have to include the
16bytes of the Reed-Solomon code.
Power supply voltage
To visualize the equipment’s input power supply voltage, move to line no.
14 in the Monitor menu using UP and DOWN arrows.
If the power supply voltage to the transmitter is below 10V or exceeds
35,5V, an alarm is triggered and the second line in the main screen is
alternated every three seconds with another line where temperature and
voltage values are displayed. The field of the voltage blinks
When the power supply voltage is between 10V and 35,5V the alarm is
Figure 4.4 Main screen. Alarm because input voltage is under 11 (The field