SV 277 PRO User Manual
assumes that a measurement is in progress and data are recorded; the writing
of the logger file is checked by changing of the free space on the card (which
means that the device is writing data).
Instrument action: Restart measurement
Instrument clock is incorrect
Trigger value: xx seconds / xx minutes
– alarm is generated if the RTC
indication of the device is inconsistent with the current system time (based on
owner’s time zone) by ± of the selected value
Instrument action: Set instrument clock to server time (based on owner’s time
–measurement is stopped, instrument clock is set (based on owner’s
time zone), measurement is resumed
Station is disconnected
Trigger value: xx minutes / xx hours
– alarm is generated when the station
remains disconnected from SvanNET for a time equal to the selected value.
Alarms are reported once after the occurrence of an alarm condition. The occurrence of an
alarm condition will generate selected actions (e.g. e-mail) at the moment of changing the
status compared to the previous check (i.e. if at 8:15 there is power supply, at 8:30 mains is
off, at 8:45 mains is still off, the system will generate an alarm at 8:30 and will be still until
mains is on and off again).
3. click the
button to edit e-mail recipients.
4. click the
button to refer alarm to the station(s).
5. Made selections are displayed in the ACTIONS and MEASUREMENT POINTS