When setting your steps goal, you
the total number of steps for the day.
The total calories you burn per day is based on two factors: your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
and your physical activity.
Your BMR is the amount of calories your body burns while at rest. These are the calories your
body needs to stay warm and perform basic function like blink your eyes or beat your heart.
This number is based on your personal
including factors such as age and gender.
When you set a calorie goal, you
how many calories you want to burn in addition to
your BMR. These are your so-called active calories. The ring around the activity display
advances according to how many active calories you burn during the day compared to your
3.1.1. Instant HR
The instant HR display provides a quick snapshot of your heart rate. The display shows your
heart rate over ten minutes as a graph, along with an estimation of your hourly calories
consumption rate and your current heart rate.
To view instant HR:
1. From the watch face view, press the lower right button to scroll to the activity monitoring
2. Press the middle button to enter the instant HR display .
3. Press the upper button to exit the display and return to the watch face view.
3.1.2. Daily HR
The daily HR display provides a 12-hour view of your heart rate. This is a helpful source of
information about, for example, your recovery after a hard training session.
The display shows your heart rate over 12 hours as a graph. The graph is plotted using your
average heart rate based on 24-minute time slots. In addition, you get an estimation of your
average hourly calorie consumption rate and your lowest heart rate during the 12- hour
Your minimum heart rate from the last 12 hours is a good indicator of your recovery state. If it
is higher than normal, you probably are not fully recovered yet form your last training session.
Suunto Spartan Trainer Wrist HR