4. Configuration
4.1 Illustration of front panel of PC-310A
Power switch key. RELAY and analog output are not working under OFF status;
while, RELAY and analog output are working under ON status.
Calibration key. After pressing it to enter calibration mode, RELAY function is not
working even though the reading is fluctuating and also analog output signal will
remain as what it was before HOLD status. Then, it will show current measuring
values, STDBY sign and pH or mV sign will be twinkling. Move on calibration by
adjusting CALIB knob and SLOPE knob and then press STDBY once finished.
After that, STDBY sign will disappear and pH or mV sign will cease twinkling, which
means calibration is complete and calibration data is stored. Finally, it will go back to
measurement mode and both RELAY & analog output resume working.
Note 1:
After calibration is complete, it is necessary to press knob to confirm that
calibration data has been stored; however, it has not without pressing it and it will go
back to measurement mode in 20 minutes automatically and a new measurement will
follow previous calibration data.
Note 2:
If a sign “----“ on top of display and measuring value are shown in turn, it suggests that
CALIB knob has reached a mechanical boundary; nevertheless, if a sign “----“ on
bottom of display and measuring value are shown in turn, it suggests that SLOPE knob
has reached a mechanical boundary. If it shows " " on display, it suggests that
both CALIB and SLOPE have reached their mechanical boundary. It is available for
user to turn the knob in a reverse way if abovementioned conditions occur. If it still
fails to reach a desired calibration value, it means that a shift to zero-point potential or
slope is way much. It is recommended to use new pH standard buffers or conduct
maintenance for pH electrodes. Replace the pH electrode if above two methods fail.
CALIB knob:
pH7.00 adjustment knob; ORP adjustment knob
Note: When STDBY sign or pH sign is twinkling, it is valid to turn CALIB knob. It is invalid
besides that in case that measuring values may be adjusted at random.