Serial Flash Programmer[S550-SFWv3] Operation Manual
Searches user’s program data or address.
(See “6.2.6 User’s Program Data Search Screen”.)
Fills the selected area with the identical data.
(See “6.2.7 User’s Program Data Setting Screen”.)
Saves (overwrites) current edit data as a file.
(See “6.2.8 User’s Program Data Saving Screen”.)
Returns to the original status before editing.
Saves edited contents and exits editing.
*The contents of the file will not be changed.
Discards edited contents and exits editing.
*If there is any change made in edited contents, a confirmation message will be
displayed to save edited result.
User’s Program Data Search Screen
Input address to search.
*An error message appears when inputting non-existing address.
Input data to search.
*Maximum of 8 digits.
Starts search and closes the screen.
Closes the screen without searching.
User’s Program Data Setting Screen
Selects all area for setting the data.
Selects address range for setting the data. Input the address range in
the text box.
*An error message appears when inputting non-existing address.
Input data to set.
Sets the data and closes the screen.
Closes the data without setting the data.