Serial Flash Programmer[S550-SFWv3] Operation Manual
Some Maintenance setting items has been
Do you want to replace the existing items?
Confirmation whether to validate the edited contents or not.
Data can't find.
Displayed when data to be searched does not exist.
Invalid log save directory.
Displayed when the directory for the log specified in the
maintenance screen does not exist.
Invalid new password.
Displayed when invalid password has been entered.
Do you really want to clear counters?
Displayed when clearing the input results.
Invalid range error.
Displayed when the value out of range has been set for the
clock frequency.
Please set %d machine.
Number of the machine you can use is %d.
Displayed when the communication between the GUI and the
firmware has failed.
Firmware file 'xxx' not found.
Displayed when the downloadable firmware is not available
while auto-downloading the firmware in trying to match the
versions of the control software and the firmware.
Firmware file 'xxx' format error.
Displayed when the file format of the mot file for the firmware
is invalid.
Firmware Version is different.
Displayed when the firmware of the required version does not
exist while auto-downloading the firmware in trying to match
the version of the GUI and the firmware.
Communication error.
Displayed when the communication between the GUI and the
firmware has failed.
CRC error.
Displayed when CRC error occurs during the communication
between the control software and the firmware.
Memory error.
Displayed when the firmware internal memory has been
UpLoad password error.
Displayed when the password for uploading does not match.
MCU disagreement error.
Displayed when invalid data information is contained while
There is no data.
Displayed when there is no data on S550-SFWv3 while
There is not enough space in the selected
directory to write an action log.
Displayed when there is not enough hard disk space while
saving a log file.
There is the same name action log file. Rename
or Overwrite?
Displayed when overwriting the log file.
Could not save the action log file. Retry or
Displayed when saving the log file has been failed..
Communication Err. Stop(OK/CANCEL)?
Displayed when the communication between the GUI and the
firmware has failed.
No device Err.
Program Stop(OK/CANCEL)?
Displayed when there is a spot with no device during the first
device check by the firmware.
It is not necessary to download.
Displayed when settings do not need to be downloaded.
Initialize complete.
Displayed when initialization has been complete.
DownLoad complete.
Displayed when downloading has been complete.
UpLoad complete.
Displayed when uploading has been complete.
Displayed while downloading.
Download stop?
Confirmation to cancel downloading.
Displayed while updating.
Update stop?
Confirmation to cancel firmware updating.
Displayed while uploading.
Upload stop?
Confirmation to cancel uploading.
Action Start...
Displayed when programming has been started.
Action stop?
Confirmation to cancel programming.
Initialize stop?
Confirmation to cancel initialization.
Initialize Start...
Displayed when initialization has been started.
Displayed while initializing.