Byte 6 of the extended sense information indicates the additional sense code in
the extended sense data to give a more detailed description of the error. Refer
to the SCSI documentation for a listing of SCSI sense code definitions. In the
example, an additional sense code of ‘‘29’’ indicates that a power on, a reset, or a
bus device reset occurred.
Byte 7 of the extended sense information indicates the additional sense code
qualifier. When used in conjunction with the additional sense code in byte 6, the
qualifier may provide additional information about the error. Refer to the SCSI
documentation for additional sense code qualifier definitions. In the example,
the qualifier of ‘‘00’’ with an additional sense code of ‘‘29’’ provide no additional
Byte 11 is the first byte, given in hexadecimal, of the command that was being
executed when the error occurred. Refer to the SCSI documentation for a listing
of the hexadecimal representations of each command. In the example, a value
of ‘‘01’’ in byte 11 indicates that the error occurred during a REZERO UNIT
3.5 Removing and Replacing the HSD05 Array Controller
The HSD05 array controller can only be replaced using a cold swap procedure.
This procedure requires that shelf and DSSI bus termination power be removed
prior to replacement. Failure to remove power can result in blowing one or more
fuses in the devices on the DSSI bus.
Use the following procedure to remove and replace the HSD05 array controller:
1. Take all DSSI nodes off line to remove power from the DSSI bus.
2. Remove power to the shelf by disconnecting the power cables at the shelf
power supply SBB(s).
3. Disconnect the DSSI trilink connector from the front panel connector of the
HSD05 array controller. It is not necessary to disconnect the cables and
terminators from the trilink connector.
4. Press the two mounting tabs on the front together to release the HSD05 array
5. Use both hands to pull the HSD05 array controller out of the shelf.
6. See Figure 3–2 and set the DSSI ID, SCSI ID, and bus termination switches
on the replacement HSD05 array controller to the settings on the removed
HSD05 array controller. A complete description of the switchpack and the
switch setting procedure is given in Section 2.3.
7. Insert the replacement HSD05 array controller into the guide slots of the
shelf and push it in until it is fully seated and the mounting tabs engage the
8. Reconnect the DSSI trilink connector to the front panel connector of the
HSD05 array controller.
9. Restore power to the shelf by connecting the power cables at the shelf power
supply SBB(s).
10. Restore power to the DSSI bus and bring the DSSI host on line.
Operating the HSD05 Array Controller 3–23