2.5 Installing the HSD05 Array Controller in an SBB Shelf
Before starting this procedure, verify that the SBB shelf receiving the HSD05
array controller is the correct one, and that it is permissible to change any SCSI
cables connected to JA1 and JB1 of the shelf to suit the planned configuration.
Figure 2–3 DSSI Trilink Connector
The HSD05 array controller should be installed in shelf slot 0. SCSI bus integrity
can be compromised if the HSD05 array controller is installed in any other slot
of a standard SBB shelf. Refer to the StorageWorks documentation for further
information on selecting an SBB slot and on cable configuration rules for the SBB
Installation Procedure
Use the following procedure to install the HSD05 array controller in the SBB
1. Remove power from the shelf by removing the input power cable(s) to the
power supply SBB(s) in the shelf. If there is only one power supply SBB in
the shelf, it will be in slot 7.
2. Remove all SCSI devices from the SBB shelf.
3. For single-shelf HSD05 array controller configurations, disconnect any cables
at JA1 and JB1 of the shelf.
4. For dual-shelf HSD05 array controller configurations, see Figure A–2 for a
diagram showing interconnected shelves.
5. Insert the HSD05 array controller into shelf slot 0.
6. Take all DSSI nodes off line to remove power from the DSSI bus that will be
connected to the HSD05 array controller.
2–8 Preparing to Use the HSD05 Array Controller