ApplianceWare v.5.3 Complete FAQ – February 24, 2004 – Page 22 of 30
Optifacio Software Services, Inc.
in again, click the
Advanced Settings,
and switch to the
tab. Choose
a) Enter the pre-Windows 2000 domain name into the
Domain name
field, just like you
did it before at the
b) Enter the
Active Directory Services
name or IP address (it should be your ADS server).
c) Enter the
name, which is just a
domain name
that you have written down at the
very beginning of your setup. Please use only
characters in this case.
d) Enter the
name, which is usually the same as your ADS server.
WINS Server
IP address is an optional value, so you can leave it set to
f) Click the
button, and enter the username and password for the user account that
you have created on your ADS server at the previous step. How will I know that Appliance is already joined into ADS?
You can see it using MMC or looking at
Network Neighborhood
( or
My Network Places
in recent versions of Windows. In what cases Appliance wouldn't join to ADS domain?
The reasons to get troubles during joining into domain may be as follows:
wrong DNS configuration both for Appliance and ADS server; the best condition is when
ADS server could be resolved by DNS server in current domain or ADS server itself is DNS
server for the controlled domain; be sure that one is available via DNS;
user that is used to join Appliance into ADS is connected directly or through terminal
service to ADS server; you should log this user off and re-join Appliance into ADS. My Appliance was joined into ADS. I see it at my Network Neighborhood but
cannot connect to one. What's wrong?
When you can observe Appliance account on ADS server but you are not able to get access to
its shares you should: