For example, to read the register at address 0x20, the user issues the command *hr20, which returns, e.g.,
Humidity sensor register write
The *hwAADD command allows writing to the contents of the humidity sensor registers in the demonstration kit
board. AA and DD, expressed as hexadecimal values and written in upper case, represent, respectively, the
address of the register and the data to be written. To write 0xC7 to the register at address 0x20, for example, the
user issues the command *hw20C7.
Single acquisition
The *single command may be used to read just one set of data. It requires the sensor to be well configured and
once invoked, returns the read values of one data sample.
The format of the returned value is exactly the same as the *debug command (
), in fact, the *debug command is used for continuous data acquisition purposes whereas a
*single command returns just one set of data.
The *list command returns the list of MKI adapters supported by the firmware, printed in ASCII format.
The *listdev command returns the list of devices supported by the firmware, printed in ASCII format.
Echo on
The *echoon command is used to activate the write command verbose mode. Once this command is launched,
after every write command the firmware automatically performs also a read of the register just written. This
function is useful to check if the write has succeeded. For instance, if the *echoon command is launched, after a
*w2027 it results R2027.
Echo off
The *echooff command stops the write command verbose mode.
Accelerometer FIFO reset enable
The *fiforst command enables the accelerometer FIFO reset mode. For more details see the AN3308 application
Accelerometer FIFO mode enable
The *fifomde command is used to enable the accelerometer FIFO mode. For more details see the AN3308
application note.
Accelerometer FIFO Stream mode enable
The *fifostr command is used to enable the accelerometer FIFO stream mode. For more details see the AN3308
application note.
Accelerometer Stream-to-FIFO mode enable
The *fifostf command enables the accelerometer Stream-to-FIFO mode. For more details see the AN3308
application note.
Accelerometer Bypass-to-FIFO mode enable
The *fifobtf command is used to enable the accelerometer Bypass-to-FIFO mode.
Accelerometer Bypass-to-Stream mode enable
The *fifobts command is used to enable the accelerometer Bypass-to-Stream mode.
Supported commands
Rev 6
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