address of the register and the data to be written. For example, to write 0xC7 to the register at address 0x20, the
user issues the command *w20C7.
Gyroscope register read
The *grAA command allows the contents of the gyroscope registers in the demonstration kit board to be read. AA,
expressed as hexadecimal value and written in upper case, represents the address of the register to be read.
Once the read command is issued, the board returns GRAAhDDh, where AA is the address sent by the user and
DD is the data present in the register.
For example, to read the register at address 0x20, the user issues the command *gr20, which returns, e.g.,
Gyroscope register write
The *gwAADD command allows writing to the contents of the gyroscope registers in the demonstration kit board.
AA and DD, expressed as hexadecimal values and written in upper case, represent, respectively, the address of
the register and the data to be written. To write 0xC7 to the register at address 0x20, for example, the user issues
the command *gw20C7.
Magnetometer register read
The *mrAA command allows the contents of the magnetometer registers in the demonstration kit board to be
read. AA, expressed as a hexadecimal value and written in upper case, represents the address of the register to
be read.
Once the read command is issued, the board returns MRAAhDDh, where AA is the address sent by the user and
DD is the data present in the register.
For example, to read the register at address 0x00, the user issues the command *mr00, which returns, e.g.,
Magnetometer register write
The *mwAADD command allows writing to the contents of the magnetometer registers in the demonstration kit
board. AA and DD, expressed as hexadecimal values and written in upper case, represent, respectively, the
address of the register and the data to be written. To write 0x20 to the register at address 0x01, for example, the
user issues the command *mw0120.
Pressure sensor register read
The *prAA command allows the contents of the pressure sensor registers in the demonstration kit board to be
read. AA, expressed as a hexadecimal value and written in upper case, represents the address of the register to
be read.
Once the read command is issued, the board returns PRAAhDDh, where AA is the address sent by the user and
DD is the data present in the register.
For example, to read the register at address 0x20, the user issues the command *pr20, which returns, e.g.,
Pressure sensor register write
The *pwAADD command allows writing to the contents of the pressure sensor registers in the demonstration kit
board. AA and DD, expressed as hexadecimal values and written in upper case, represent, respectively, the
address of the register and the data to be written. To write 0xC7 to the register at address 0x20, for example, the
user issues the command *pw20C7.
Humidity sensor register read
The *hrAA command allows the contents of the humidity sensor registers in the demonstration kit board to be
read. AA, expressed as a hexadecimal value and written in upper case, represents the address of the register to
be read.
Once the read command is issued, the board returns HRAAhDDh, where AA is the address sent by the user and
DD is the data present in the register.
Supported commands
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