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Attention! If the installer has set “Automatic cycle distribution” for a dosage timer, the amount of feed
to be fed will be distributed over the number of periods INSTEAD OF taking the dose set in this time
schedule, see page 32.
Time schedules can include in a growth curve. Another time schedule will be selected upon the day number
being reached. If a breakpoint is set to “no”, the times of the original timer will be used.
The “First day of the week” can be set here. The “First day of the week” is used to determine the weekly totals.
If, for example, you set “First day of the week” to Su (Sunday) the week totals will be calculated on Sunday (a
week total is the sum of Sunday, Saturday, Friday etc. to Monday)
If the PL-9400 poultry computer is linked to a feed weighing computer, you CANNOT change the setting “First
day of the week” and the setting “Beginning new day” on the PL-9400 poultry computer; these settings are
copied from the feed weighing computer.
Be careful when changing the “Beginning new day” setting; if this time is in a dosing period the
error message “Beginning new day in period” will be generated.
A graphic overview of the timers is displayed on the screen. Only the on/off times of the timers which have been
activated are shown. If a master timer has been installed, it will be displayed on every screen.
Dosing timer (water or feed): The minimum amount to be dosed can be
set here (as a percentage of the amount to be dosed). If this percentage is
not reached, a dosing alarm will be generated.
For the nest box timer the nest box status is displayed in addition to the
alarm status.