© 2008 Stevens AeroModel.
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20. Install the center section 1/16 in. balsa shear webbing SW1 (sheet 04/21). Bond using medium CA between
the sheer web and carbon spar, then build up a glue fillet between the sheer web outer edge where it contacts
ribs and spar caps.
Follow the same procedure for installing the right and left shear web components SW2, SW3, SW4 and SW5
(sheet 04/21). Reference plan set for proper part location.
21. Dry fit forward 3/32 in. turbulator T1 (assembled in step 1) to assembly as illustrated below. Note that T1 is
notched and cut to fit only in the leading most set of notches along rib and sub ribs. Additionally, all turbulators
T1, T2, and T3 are designed to fit flush with the inside R1 ribs and outside R5 ribs, however, at mid span from
ribs R1a through R4b the turbulators will sit proud of top surface of rib by 1/16 in. Use a piece of scrap balsa to
reference proper height.
Once T1 turbulator has been fit to the wing assembly bond with thin CA glue starting at rib R1
and working out to sub rib R4b.
Do not attempt to
use notching in T1 turbulator to set proper spacing for R5. As every wing will build with some variance and we
don’t want to blindly bond this part and possibly warp R5. As previously stated, R5 must remain perfectly FLAT
to match the wing tip. Thus, stand the wing assembly on end supporting R5 against your flat work surface,
make certain that R5 is indeed flat to the work surface, allowing turbulator to float within notch at R5 to achieve
a perfectly flat and warp free R5, once satisfied that R5’s flat bond the turbulator to the R5 end rib.