Rail Runner Gen III
Rail Runner Gen III Operator’s Manual
Parameter Value
Method of
Loads the configuration saved under the chosen
program number. No. 1 is factory default.
Default, Filler,
Linear, Root,
Segment, Top
Sample name to describe the loaded configuration.
Press, hold,
and rotate
New configuration.
Copies the loaded configuration to the chosen
number of the new configuration.
Saves changes to the loaded configuration.
To go back to the main screen, press and hold the two navigation buttons for
three seconds.
To control the torch through the carriage, set the arc ignition switch to ‘I’.
If the arc ignition switch is set to ‘I’, the torch starts welding
immediately after you select a travel direction.
Use the direction switch to select a direction of travel. Then, the travel starts with
the set parameters. Then, the status changes from
. You can
adjust the parameters from the main screen at any time with the knobs. You can
adjust the parameters from the setup screens only when the carriage is stopped.
To stop the travel, set the direction switch to ‘O’.
After the work is finished, use the power switch to turn off the carriage. Then,
unplug the carriage from the power source.