Instruction Manual
Menu option
VLAN User module uses services of the VLAN management
functionality to configure VLAN memberships and VLAN port
configurations such as PVID and UVID. Currently we support
the following VLAN user types:
CLI/Web/SNMP: These are referred to as static.
NAS: NAS provides port-based authentication, which involves
communications between a Supplicant, Authenticator, and an
Authentication Server.
MSTP: The 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree protocol (MSTP)
uses VLANs to create multiple spanning trees in a network,
which significantly improves network resource utilization
while maintaining a loop-free environment.
Port Members
A row of check boxes for each port is displayed for each VLAN
If a port is included in a VLAN, a checkmark image is displayed.
If a port is included in a Forbidden port list, an image of an x
is displayed.
If a port is included in a Forbidden port list and dynamic VLAN
user register VLAN on same Forbidden port, then the conflict
port is displayed as follows:
VLAN Membership
The VLAN Membership Status Page shows the current VLAN
port members for all VLANs configured by a selected VLAN
User (selection will be allowed by a Combo Box). When ALL
VLAN Users are selected, it will show this information for all
the VLAN Users, and this is by default. VLAN membership
allows the frames classified to the VLAN ID to be forwarded on
the respective VLAN member ports.
Select VLAN users in the drop-down list.
Auto-refresh: Select the Auto-refresh check box to
automatically refresh the page at regular intervals.
Refresh: Updates the system log entries, starting from the
current entry ID.
1. To view the VLAN Membership Status for specific users, on the main screen of the
Web management UI, click
VLAN Membership