Clear data buffers and send break to remote modem.
Same as 0.
Send break to remote modem immediately.
Same as 2.
Send break to remote modem in sequence with data.
Same as 4. (Default)
The third case is where a break is received from a remote modem during a non-error corrected connection:
Clears data buffers and send break to the DTE.
Same as 0.
Send a break immediately to DTE.
Same as 2.
Send a break in sequence with received data to DTE.
Same as 4. (Default)
\Nn - Operating Mode
This command controls the preferred error correcting mode to be negotiated in a subsequent data
Normal speed buffered mode (disables error correction).
Direct mode.
MNP only.
MNP with fallback to normal mode (auto reliable mode).
V.42 only.
V.42 with fallback to MNP only.
V.42 with fallback to MNP with fallback to normal. (Default)
\V1 - Enhanced Connect Message
Presents a comprehensive, single line connect message, showing DTE speed, DCE speed, protocol and
+MS - Select Modulation
This extended format command selects the modulation, optionally enables or disables automode, and
optionally specifies the lowest and highest connection rates using one to four subparameters. The command
format is:
+MS=<mod>[,[<automode>][,[<min rate>][,[<max rate>]]]]<CR>
For 14400 bps and lower speeds, the Nn command and S37 register can alternatively be used in
which case the +MS subparameters will be modified to reflect the Nn and S37=x settings. Use of the
Nn and S37=x commands is not recommended but is provided for compatibility with existing
communication software. (S37 is not updated by the +MS command).