SECTION FOUR – Routine Maintenance and Professional Servicing
((((44442222000000001111----0000444400005555 KKKKiiiitttt))))
TTTToooo vvvveeeerrrriiiiffffyyyy wwwwhhhheeeetttthhhheeeerrrr CCCCoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll BBBBooooaaaarrrrdddd
iiiissss NNNNeeeewwww oooorrrr OOOOlllldddd
1. Start heater in either pool or spa mode.
2. Allow heater to fire for two or three minutes (if
necessary, raise thermostat setting to cause heater
to fire).
3. Press and hold for 5 seconds: “Pool On” (in Pool
mode) or “Spa On” (in Spa mode).
4. Anew Control Board will show the stack flue tem-
perature. An old Control board will continue to
show the water temperature.
5. Refer to the chart below for the correct
Sensor/Probe to use with your heater’s control
board. Purchase sensor or probe separately.
RRRReeeeppppllllaaaacccceeeemmmmeeeennnntttt PPPPrrrroooocccceeeedddduuuurrrreeee::::
1. Turn off the filter pump and all electrical power to
the heater.
2. Allow the heater to cool for at least half an hour
before proceeding.
3. Unbolt and remove the Upper Left and Upper
Right Jackets from the heater.
4. Remove the 3/8-24 plug from the side of the Metal
Elbow Assembly.
5. Apply UltraCopper
* RTV Silicone (supplied) to
the sealing faces of the Probe and its nut and
install the Probe in the 3/8"hole in the Metal
Elbow (Figure 4-9).
NNNNOOOOTTTTEEEE:::: If the heater has a plastic Exhaust Elbow, DO
NOT PROCEED FARTHER with this installation. Instead,
call Customer Service at 1-800-752-0183 and order a Vent
Body Retrofit Kit (See Page 4-38) and replace the plastic
elbow with a metal one.
6. Apply UltraCopper
* RTV Silicone to the sealing
face of the nut and tighten it onto the Probe from
inside the Metal Elbow.
NNNNOOOOTTTTEEEE:::: You have about 1/2 hour of working time
after spreading the RTV. After the joint starts to
cure, wait one hour before testing.
7. Connect the Stack Flue Switch wires to the new
Probe. Do not remove the stack flue switch; it is
sealed to the Combustion Chamber Flue Collar to
prevent carbon monoxide/flue gas leaks.
8. After one hour, fire heater for not more than one
minute to test for exhaust leaks. Reseal any leaks
that are found.
9. Reinstall the Upper Left and Upper Right Jackets
on the heater.
Waaaaiiiitttt 22224444 hhhhoooouuuurrrrssss bbbbeeeeffffoooorrrreeee ffffiiiirrrriiiinnnngggg hhhheeeeaaaatttteeeerrrr ccccoooonnnnttttiiiinnnn----
uuuuoooouuuussssllllyyyy.... TTTThhhhiiiissss wwwwiiiillllllll aaaalllllllloooowwww tttthhhheeee RRRRTTTTVVVV ttttoooo ccccuuuurrrreeee ccccoooommmmpppplllleeeetttteeee----
llllyyyy bbbbeeeeffffoooorrrreeee eeeexxxxppppoooossssiiiinnnngggg iiiitttt ttttoooo hhhheeeeaaaatttt....
* Loctite Corp, Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Heater Exhaust Temperature Probe Installation
SSSSaaaaffffeeeettttyyyy PPPPrrrreeeeccccaaaauuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss::::
Risk of fire, explosion, and electrical
Heater service and repair must be performed by
a qualified installer, service agency, or the gas supplier.
Burn hazard. If heater has been oper-
ating, allow it to cool for at least half and hour
before touching the Flue Collar or the Vent Body.
Carbon monoxide hazard. Check all
flue and vent pipe joints for leaks.
New Board
Old Board
OK (Best)
Replace with Probe
OK (Sensor Preferred)
Stack Flue Switch
Replace with Sensor
Replace with Probe
Figure 4-9: Apply 600°F RTV to sealing faces of
probe and nut and install probe.